A child's primary teeth, sometimes called "baby teeth," are as important as the permanent adult teeth.
Primary teeth typically begin to appear when a baby is between age six months and one year.
Primary teeth help children chew and speak.
Primary teeth hold space in the jaws for permanent teeth that are developing under the gums.
The ADA recommends that a dentist examine a child within six months of the eruption of the first tooth and no later than the first birthday.
A dental visit at an early age is a "well baby checkup" for the teeth.
Besides checking for tooth decay and other problems, the dentist can demonstrate how to clean the child's teeth properly and how to evaluate any adverse habits such as thumb sucking
Learn more about caring for your children's teeth at the ADA's new website- MouthHealthy.org.
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This article first appeared on MouthHealthy.org, an A.D.A. website.
keep those babies looking as cute as they are and feeling as good as they should!